
What is chain n?

What is chain n?

If you are reading from an update disk file, you can specify an N operation extender to indicate that no lock should be placed on the record when it is read (e.g. CHAIN (N)).

How do I read a physical file in Rpgle?

READ opcode in rpgle-go4as400.com. Read operation reads the records of a full procedural file. First of all it reads the record where currently the pointer is and then advances the pointer to the next record. The READ operation applies a record lock to files that are open in update mode.

Which is a collection of related records?

Database – is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that provides data for many applications. The data is managed by systems software called database management systems (DBMS).

What is Exfmt in Rpgle?

Ü EXFMT (Write/Then Read Format) The EXFMT operation is a combination of a WRITE operation followed by a READ to the same record format. Hence, instead of writing the operation code EXFMT we can also use two operation codes WRITE (format-name) + READ (format-name).

What are the difference S between Exfmt and write in Rpgle?

What is the difference between WRITE and EXFMT of a display file? WRITE displays a record format on workstation, EXFMT displays and accepts from the workstation.

How do you release a record lock in Rpgle?

§ The current locked is unlocked on subsequent read operation i.e. when we read another record the previous read operation record lock will be unlocked. § The current locked record is automatically unlocked when the UPDATE operation performed on the record is over.

How do you stop Rpgle recording lock?

First is the use of the opcode extender N, which tells RPG not to lock the record even though the file is specified for update. The second is the use of the first custRec array element as the result field. This feature, in case you have not seen it before, has been available for externally described files since V5R2.

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