
What proposal does the host make to the pilgrims?

What proposal does the host make to the pilgrims?

The Host proposes the tale-telling game at dinner the night before the pilgrims embark for Canterbury. In the morning of the pilgrims’ departure, the Host wakes all the pilgrims up and gets them on the road. The Host has the pilgrims draw lots to decide who will go first, thus beginning the tale-telling game.

What is the hosts proposal in Canterbury Tales?

He lays out his plan: each of the pilgrims will tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. Whomever the Host decides has told the most meaningful and comforting stories will receive a meal paid for by the rest of the pilgrims upon their return.

What plan does the host propose to the characters in Canterbury?

What plan for the group does the host propose? The host decides that everyone will tell a story on the way there and the way back. He will decide which are the best. There is a punishment for anyone who complains about his decision and a reward for the best tale.

What does the host do in Canterbury Tales?

A cheerful, friendly person, the Host focuses the pilgrims and keeps the storytelling contest from devolving into chaos. Although Chaucer narrates the events of the frame story, the Host takes charge of the contest and creates structure.

WHO proposes that every pilgrim should tell stories?

Harry Bailly
Harry Bailly proposes a way in which the pilgrims can entertain each other on their journey. He suggests that each of them should tell two stories on their way to Canterbury and two more on their way back.

What does the host offer to do for the pilgrims as they embark on their journey quizlet?

What does the Host offer to do for the pilgrim’s as they embark on their journey? He offers to go with them as a guide and a judge of their stories.

What are the rules of the game the host proposes?

The host proposes that each pilgrim tell two tales on the way to Canterbury, and two on the way back. Whoever tells the best tale as judged by the Host wins a free dinner when they arrive back at his tavern. Whoever expresses disagreement with the Host’s judgment has to pay for the entire cost of the pilgrimage.

What sort of contest does the host propose?

What does the host propose? Something to keep everyone entertained on their journey to Canterbury, a storytelling contest.

What was the plan of Canterbury Tales?

Chaucer planned the stories before he wrote them but he did not finish his plan. He planned that each character would tell four stories: two while going to Canterbury and two while returning to London. If Chaucer had finished, he would have written 120 stories.

How will the host decide the winner Canterbury Tales?

What will the winner receive? The host will join the group and serve as the judge. How do the pilgrims decide who will begin the storytelling? The draw straws, the shortest straw tells the first story.

Who suggested to tell stories in Canterbury Tales?

Chaucer himself is one of the pilgrims. That evening, the Host of the Tabard Inn suggests that each member of the group tell tales on the way to and from Canterbury in order to make the time pass more pleasantly.

What does the host propose to the pilgrims to help make their journey more enjoyable?

What does the host propose to the pilgrims to help make their journey more enjoyable? Each pilgrim will tell two stories to Canterbury and two stories on the trip back to London. The winner will receive a supper paid for by the losing pilgrims. What is the hosts role on the journey?

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