
Where is PJM located?

Where is PJM located?

PJM Interconnection coordinates the movement of electricity through all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

What is the PJM stand for?

PJM is an abbreviation of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland after the territories where the first utilities joined together. Today, the PJM includes all or parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, West Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois.

Is Chicago part of PJM?

PJM is now offering high-resolution transmission maps that include PJM’s transmission infrastructure from 69 kilovolt to 765 kilovolt facilities. These maps contain detailed inserts of Philadelphia/Jersey City Corridor, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Dayton/Columbus Metro, Cleveland, Norfolk, and Baltimore/DC Metro.

What is the PJM grid?

What is PJM? PJM Interconnection is a little-known company that operates the electric grid for a region stretching from New Jersey to North Carolina, and from Illinois to our nation’s capital.

How does PJM make money?

The simple answer is that PJM does not make money. Per federal regulation, PJM operates as profit neutral, meaning total revenues and expenses must equal each other over the long term.

How big is PJM?

More than 1,000 companies are members of PJM, which serves 65 million customers and has 180 gigawatts of generating capacity. With 1,376 generation sources, 84,236 miles (135,560 km) of transmission lines and 6,038 transmission substations, PJM delivered 807 terawatt-hours of electricity in 2018.

What can be sold into the PJM market?

From the PJM wholesale market, electricity is then sold in smaller quantities through retail electricity providers to end users, such as homes and businesses. PJM uses several different wholesale market structures, including Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services markets.

Who regulates PJM?

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
PJM is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The FERC is an independent federal agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil as well as hydropower and natural gas projects.

How many employees does PJM have?

947 employees
PJM Interconnection is a medium utilities company with 947 employees and an annual revenue of $250.0M that is headquartered in Pennsylvania. As the primary task, to ensure the safety, reliability and security of the bulk electric power system.

What is PJM Western Hub?

PJM Western Hub means the aggregation of selected busses at the Western interface region within the PJM Control Area that provides a common point for commercial energy trading in the PJM Energy Market.

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